Am I right?
Making stuff using fabric, needle, and thread is our outlet for sharing our joy creatively. There's something about sewing hearts and soothes our souls like nothing else. We can't wait to dabble in as many things as we can get our multi-passionate hands on. As top-tier enablers loaded up on caffeine, we scratch that itch daily.
In the spirit of creating projects that are uniquely you, we focus on sewing authentically, as opposed to perfectly.
We've got your back!
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When you join us for handmade hacks, inspiration...and the freebies.
Grab your favorite morning beverage (ours is always caffeinated) and come sit with us.
We're obsessed with fabric, needle, and thread {to say the least}. Wearables, home decor, gifts, quilts, accessories, and everything in between...
we can't wait to get our hands on it!
Click Here for Sewing and Handcraft Projects
We've worked our little fingers to the nubs designing a monthly sewing subscription box that is going to tickle you pink ! If you're like us and have the urge to make 'all the things,' involving fabric, needle, and thread - you're gonna dig this.
Each unique box reveals a different theme as we bring you to a variety of machine sewing and hand sewing projects. Our projects are specifically curated or created to encourage, support, and inspire you to make the sewing creations of your heart.
Join our 'Makers Gotta Make' subscription box!
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